Item Change order Description Change order Items: 23 
31000One pole switch 16AX 250V complete grey
31001Generic pushbutton grey 1P NO 4A 250V~
31002Bipolar switch 16AX 250V complete grey
31003Two way switch 16AX 250V complete grey
3100416AX 250V reversing switch complete,grey
3100516A generic pushbutton complete, grey
31010One pole switch 16AX 250V complete grey
31010-5 SWITCH-LIGHT 1P 16A+6085
31013Two way switch 16AX 250V complete grey
3101516A generic pushbutton complete grey
31015-7-5 PUSHBUTTON LIGH.+31607+6085
31018 2 way double-pole switch, 16AX
3102116A double pushbutton 1P NO/NC+1PNO grey
3102216A double pushbutton 1P NO/NC+1P NO/NC
3102516A generic pushbutton contact 1NC,grey
3103016A pushbutton with 2,25 m.cord grey
3103116A pushbuttton NC with 2,25m. cord
31036Two-circuit switch 1P (3 contacts), Grey
31037Two-circuit switch 2P (6 contacts), Grey
31038Two interlocked pushbuttons 1P NO 10A
3106016AX 250V Multi purpose device grey col.
31063 3Mod key card switch w/support 16A
31102Bipolar switch 20A 250V complete grey
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