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MK00001nylon bag with 2 screws for MIXKIT
MK210001P switch 16AX 250V
MK21000-03switch+two-way switch 1P 16AX
MK21000-041P switch+reversing switch 16AX
MK21000.22x 1P switches 16AX 250V
MK21000.33 1P switches 16AX 250V
MK21002-Lenlightable 2Pswitch 16AX 250V
MK21002-L125Enlightable 2Pswitch 16AX 127V
MK21003two-way 1P switch 16AX 250V
MK21003.22x two-way switches 16AX 250V
MK21003.33 two-way switches 16AX 250V
MK21003-62two-way 1Pswitch16AX+10A 2pole socket+ea
MK21003-86Two-way 1P switch 16AX+2P+E 15A 127V
MK21004reversing switch 16AX 250V
MK21004.22 reversing switch 16AX 250V
MK21055600W 127V Dimmer w.switch
MK21057100-300W 127V rotary dimmer w.switch
MK21060multipurpose switch 16AX 250V
MK21060.22 multipurpose switches 16AX 250V
MK2107216A NO pushbutton,"bell" symbol
MK21072.22 Pushbutton 16A NO "bell" symbol
MK21072.33 Pushbutton 16A NO "bell" symbol
MK21086.3Switches 16AX+2 2P+E 15A 127V Amer
MK21088.21P Switch + 2P+T EuroAmerican sock.
MK21095False blind pole with output
MK21099Blind 3 module MIX plate White
MK2117016A Schuko socket 2P+earth dev.
MK21183.32P+E 20A 250V~ Argentine socket, 3 mod.
MK21184.3Double American socket with GFCI 15A w/S
MK2118516A 2P euro-american socket
MK21185-0.216A 2P euro-american socket+ Hole
MK21186.2Double 2P+E 15A 127V American socket
MK21186-6615A 2P Amer. socket+IEC-F TV/Satellit
MK21186-L2P+E 15A 250V American socket
MK21188.22x 2P+E 16A 250V EuroAmerican sock.
MK21200-862x 1P switches 16AX+2P+E 15A 127V Am
MK212011P switches+1Two-way 1P switch 16AX
MK21203-862 two-way 1P switch 16AX+2P+E 15A 127V
MK21213.2Double USB power supply, 5V 4A 100/240V~
MK21213ACUSB A+C power supply, 5V 4.2A 100/240V~
MK21213AC-882P+E 16A 250V EuroAmer+ USB A+C
MK21214USB power supply 5V 2.1A 100/240V~ white
MK21214-862.1A 5V USB+15A 2P+E American socket
MK212166P6C RJ12 telephone socket
MK21216-18Socket 6P6C RJ12+ 8P8C RJ45
MK21216.22 Telephone sockets RJ12 6P6C
MK21216-66RJ11 phone socket+IEC-F TV socket
MK212188P8C RJ45 Cat.5e UTP data socket
MK21218-66RJ45 phone socket+IEC-F TV socket
MK21220RJ45 not screened telephone socket
MK21255TV through-line outlet, Ø9.5mm connector
MK21266IEC-F TV/Satellite socket
MK213012x 1P switches+1Two-way 1P switch 16AX
MK21352IT 127V 8VA Bell
MK21354IT 127V 8VA buzzer, white
MK21386.3two-way 1P switch 16AX+2 2P+E 15A 127V
MK215972P+E 16A P17/11 and P40 sockets
MK21862Double 2P+E 15A 127V American soc.
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